Forum Rules
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Forum Rules

Welcome to Lagos to Jozi, an online community forum for Nigerians living in South Africa. This is your home away from home - where you can ask questions, share your experiences, and discuss topics of mutual interest. This forum has been specifically created to provide us, as Nigerians in South Africa, with a fertile space to create social connections and a sense of community.


Feel free to interact and discuss different topics relevant to our community as Nigerians in South Africa.


As you do so, please take a minute to read a list of the discussion forum participation guidelines and rules below:


  • Be civil. Please endeavour to be respectful of others and do not post anything a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or hate speech. Appreciate that someone else may have an opinion that differs to yours.


  • Keep your conversation clean and devoid of explicit content.


  • Stay focused on the topic. If you have to create a discussion thread, give it a clear topic title and make sure you post it in the appropriate category.


  • When you are contributing to an existing discussion, try to stay 'on topic'. If you have a fresh post, start a new thread.


  • Discriminatory and harassing behaviour and content are not allowed.


  • Share your knowledge. Dont hold backing sharing what you know. Someone will likely find it useful. Provide sources when you provide information.


  • Please note that we maintain the right to remove posts and threads to ensure that the content posted in the forum is not harmful.


  • No spam. All automated messages, advertisements, and spam links will be deleted immediately.


  • Post in relevant sub-forums only. Messages posted in the wrong topic area will be removed and placed in the correct sub-forum by moderators.


  • Respect other users. No flaming or abusing fellow forum members. Users who continue to post inflammatory, abusive comments will be deleted from the forum after moderators issue two warnings.


  • Harassment. No threats or harassment of other users will be tolerated. Any instance of threatening or harassing behaviour is grounds for deletion from the forums.


  • Adult content. No profanity or pornography is allowed. Posts containing adult material will be deleted.


  • Bandwidth. All images and signatures must be 500 x 500 pixels or smaller. Posts containing oversized images and signatures will be removed.


  • Illegal content. No re-posting of copyrighted materials or other illegal content is allowed. Any posts containing illegal content or copyrighted materials will be deleted.


Breach of any of the forum rules should be reported by email to (howfar[@]

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